Policy for Acceptable Use of ABRA NET Web Hosting Services

Cadabra Host's Acceptable Use Policy for Web Hosting is a document that guarantees high quality of services, protection of the rights and interests of the company Abra Net Ltd, customers and third parties, as well as compliance with the legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria, the European Union and other international organizations.

Cadabra Host's Acceptable Use Policy for Web Hosting is binding on all customers who use the company's services, regardless of whether they have a contract or not.

Customers are required to read the Cadabra Host Acceptable Use Policy before using the Services and to comply with it at all times. Any violation of Cadabra Host's Acceptable Use Policy for Web Hosting may result in termination or restriction of access to the Services, as well as other penalties provided by law or the terms and conditions for use of services offered by ABRA NET Ltd.

Cadabra Host's Acceptable Use Policy for Web Hosting sets forth the following basic rules for use of the Services:

- Customers may not use the Services to post, distribute or provide access to illegal, unlawful, offensive, harmful, defamatory, threatening, pornographic, hacking or other content that violates the rights and freedoms of others, as well as public order and morality. This includes, but is not limited to: content that incites violence, racism, discrimination, terrorism, extremism, or other unlawful acts; content that infringes copyrights, trademarks, patents, or other intellectual property rights; content that contains viruses, Trojan horses, worms, or other software that may damage or interfere with the operation of computer systems; content that constitutes spam, junk mail, or any other type of unauthorized advertising or commercial communication.

- Customers may not use the Services to perform activities that overburden or misuse Company resources or those of other customers. This includes, but is not limited to: using the Services to store large amounts of data that are not related to Customer's website; using the Services to send large amounts of email or other messages that may be considered spam; using the Services to perform scans, testing or security attacks on computer systems; using the Services to execute scripts, programs or applications that require large amounts of CPU time, memory or network bandwidth.

- Customers may not use the Services to defraud, steal, or otherwise misuse the personal information, credentials, passwords, or other confidential information of the Company, other customers, or third parties. This includes, but is not limited to: using the Services to register domains or open accounts under false names, addresses, or other credentials; using the Services to transfer or receive money or goods illegally or fraudulently; or using the Services to steal or hack accounts, passwords, or other information from Company, other customers, or third parties.

- Customers may not use the Services to violate the contractual obligations or terms of use of other websites, social networks, online platforms or applications. This includes, but is not limited to: using the Services to copy, republish, modify or distribute content from other websites without permission; using the Services to circumvent restrictions or blocks that are placed by other websites; using the Services to collect, analyze or process data from other websites without permission.

- Customers may not use the Services to interfere with the operation, availability or functionality of the Company, other customers or third parties. This includes, but is not limited to: using the Services to cause damage, interruption, or delay in the operation of computer systems; using the Services to interfere with or impede access to websites or applications; using the Services to interfere with administrative, maintenance, or degradation of quality of service.

Customers are required to comply with all applicable laws and regulations when using Cadabra Host's services and not to engage in activities that may damage the reputation or performance of the company or cause inconvenience or problems to other customers or third parties.

Kadabra Host shall have the right to terminate or restrict access to the Services of customers who do not comply with the Web Hosting Acceptable Use Policy or to delete content that is in violation thereof without prior notice to the responding party. 

Cadabra Host has the right to report violations to the proper authorities and to cooperate with them in investigations and prosecutions.

Customers assume full responsibility for the content they publish or distribute through the Cadabra Host services and release the company from any liability in this regard.

